Hi everyone

Is anyone interested in writing a scikit-image chapter for the
following book?


----- Original message -----
From: Andy Ray Terrel <a...@numfocus.org>
Subject: PyData Community Cookbook - August Update
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2016 07:14:58 -0500

Hello everyone,

You are receiving this email because you were either invited and
committed to join our project. Please feel free to forward this message
to a more appropriate list or person. For questions please email pydata-

Katy Huff and myself are starting a project to build a cookbook of
advanced material for the PyData community. The cookbook will be
published by Addison-Wesley. We have invited a number of contributors to
see if such a project would have some interest and received
overwhelmingly positive feedback.

The book will cover several major topics, organized as such, with some
sample packages:

- IDE: IPython/Jupyter
- Data Structures / Numerics: NumPy, Pandas, Xray, PyTables
- Viz: Matplotlib, Bokeh, Seaborn, yt
- Algorithms / Science: SciPy, Scikit-learn, Scikit-image, statsmodels,
  sympy, gensim
- Performance / Scale: Cython, Numexpr, Numba, Dask, pyspark

We expect each submission to be about 15 - 20 pages describing an
example of the power of each library. While we have reached out to the
projects about putting each submission together we are happy to accept
chapters for libraries we did not initially identify.

To facilitate the book we have put together a repository for
collecting and reviewing submissions at
https://github.com/pydata/pydata-cookbook . We are asking for
submissions in rst but would appreciate any other files, such as
jupyter notebooks or code, for a digital appendix as well.

If you read this far and are interested in contributing.  The proposed
schedule is the following:

Sept 1: Submit a pull request with a title, abstract and author list for
the submission.
Nov 15: Submit a completed chapter.
Dec 31: Reviews for chapters finished.
Jan 31: All chapter revisions due.

Thanks for you time!

Andy R. Terrel, PhD
President, NumFOCUS

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