hi Olivier,

thanks for your response.

What you describe is quite different from what sklearn models
typically do with partial_fit. partial_fit is more about out-of-core /
streaming fitting rather than true online learning with explicit

In particular what you suggest would not accept calling partial_fit
with very small chunks (e.g. from tens to a hundred samples at a time)
because that would not be enough to develop deep isolation trees and
would harm the performance of the resulting isolation forest.

I see, suppose I should check to see how the depth of these trees changes when fitting on small chunks as opposed to large chunks -. either way, refreshing on at least 1000 samples has proven to work O.K here in the face of concept drift

If the problem is true online learning (tracking a stream of training
data with expected shifts in its distribution) I think it's better to
devise a dedicated API that does not try to mimic the scikit-learn API
(for this specific part). There will typically have to be an
additional hyperparameter to control how much the model should
remember about old samples.

ok, i've been using a parameter called 'n_more_estimators' that decides how many trees are dropped/added. maybe it is not the best way

If the problem is more about out-of-core, then partial_fit is suitable
but the trees should grow and get reorganized progressively (as
pointed by others in previous comments).

maybe a name like "online_fit" would be more appropriate? it would be nice to know what exactly is meant by "reorganized" , so far ive been merely dropping the oldest trees

BTW,  I would be curious to know more about the kind of anomaly
detection problem where you found IsolationForests to work well.

The problem is intrusion detection at the application layer, features are parsed from http audit logs

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