And this is the SciKit Learn page on the normalizing:
    On Saturday, May 26, 2018, 10:10:32 PM PDT, Shiheng Duan 
<> wrote:  
Do you mean that if feature one has a larger derivation than feature two, after 
zscore they will have the same weight? In that case, it is a bias, right? The 
feature one should be more important than feature two in the PCA. 
On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 5:09 PM, Michael Eickenberg 
<> wrote:

that totally depends on the nature of your data and whether the standard 
deviation of individual feature axes/columns of your data carry some form of 
importance measure. Note that PCA will bias its loadings towards columns with 
large standard deviations all else being held equal (meaning that if you have 
zscored columns, and then you choose one column and multiply it by, say 1000, 
then that component will likely show up as your first component [if 1000 is 
comparable or large wrt the number of features you are using])
Does this help?Michael
On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 4:39 PM, Shiheng Duan <> wrote:

Hello all,
I wonder is it necessary or correct to do z score transformation before PCA? I 
didn't see any preprocessing for face image in the example of Faces recognition 
example using eigenfaces and SVMs, link: 
table/auto_examples/applicatio ns/plot_face_recognition.html# 
sphx-glr-auto-examples- applications-plot-face- recognition-py
I am doing on a similar dataset and got a weird result if I standardized data 
before PCA. The components figure will have a strong gradient and it doesn't 
make any sense. Any ideas about the reason? 
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