Hurray, thanks to everybody; in particular for those who did the hard
work of ironing out the last issues and releasing.


On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 02:55:57PM -0400, Andreas Mueller wrote:
> Hey everbody!
> I'm happy to (finally) announce scikit-learn 0.20.0.
> This release is dedicated to the memory of Raghav Rajagopalan.

> You can upgrade now with pip or conda!

> There is many important additions and updates, and you can find the full
> release notes here:

> My personal highlights are the ColumnTransformer and the changes to
> OneHotEncoder,
> but there's so much more!

> An important note is that this is the last version to support Python2.7, and
> the
> next release will require Python 3.5.

> A big thank you to everybody who contributed and special thanks to Joel!

> All the best,
> Andy
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    Senior Researcher, INRIA Parietal
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