Hi all,

Thanks to the sustained effort of several contributors (thanks Maria
and Lucy in particular), the Boston housing price dataset is no longer
used in the examples of scikit-learn (nor in the test suite) in the
master branch.

To give some context on why this dataset is problematic, please have a
look at this discussion and  the blog post linked in it:


Now that we no longer use sklearn.datasets.load_boston internally, we
have to make a decision about what to do with the loader function
itself: deprecate it? just silently hide it from our documentation
from our documentation (probably a bad idea)? keep it but educate our
users about its ethical problem?

Personally, I would be slightly in favor of the latter option and I
drafted a short paragraph here:


Please feel free to share your thoughts so that we can hopefully make
a consensual decision before the 0.24 release.


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