Paul Colomiets:

I've wrote just smarty lexer, but this language as PHP is designed to
embed in HTML (and this HTML can also have PHP code in it). I can (try)
to add it to html parser but this may produce a very bloated one, an on
the other hand I think folding can't be provided in this way. But
highlighting HTML is very useful when editing smarty templates. Well,
may be It's good solution to provide it twice: into html highlighter and
as separate lexer with folding?

  It may be possible to implement this as another lexer that uses the
style values used in the main HTML lexer for server-side javascript.
Integrating it nicely, sharing much of the common code would require
quite a bit of effort.


Long time ago I requested to add CSS support to it, but I failed
miserably to get time to accomplish the task.

Neil replied me something like "... pick up the python script styles,
send me the implementation, and we will see ..." - that's from my quite
bad memory so don't trust me too much.

  Sharing out the style values is complex because some of them are
mostly used separately but others are required for many similar modes.
It would be unusual to use both PHP and server Javascript or server
Python in one file but CSS may occur in conjunction with any server
language. That's why I said that the rarely used client-side Python
styles could be removed in favour of CSS.

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