Kein-Hong Man wrote:

Alphax wrote:
Neil Hodgson wrote:
Not sure if this is related to the makefiles or my system config, but
after compiling Scintilla (using mingw32-make under MSYS),

  To me MSYS is a strange environment. Possibly you are seeing
effects from the different shell (copy vs cp?) or similar.

I'll check it out next time I compile SciTE again (1.68 or so, probably).

I encounter this when I use Msys, but was so far too lazy to fix it. Changing some backslashes in the Makefile fixes things:

I gave up on MSYS a few months ago... besides difficulties similar to these, a [more Linux-oriented] developer suggested that I use Cygwin - JUST for the command-line dev environment! So this is what I do now for large projects that are not mine, and it works well, even if I use MS compilers etc.

For my own projects, I get by with a combination of [Windows native] GNU Make 3.80 plus SciTE plus per-project Makefiles / Local properties files (for the Tools menu customizations). :)

Robert Roessler
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