Philippe Lhoste a écrit :
> Jonathan Ballet wrote:
>> I have a few questions about using Scite :
>> - I often use the utf-8 charset for my file ( in
>>, but sometimes, I would like to use another
>> charset, like iso-8859-15. How could I do to quickly switch between
>> those two charsets, without editing my properties file, and
>> comment/uncomment the corresponding lines ?
> You can quickly switch between 8-bit encoding and various Unicode
> encodings with the File | Encoding menu.
> HTH.

Hum, I remember that I always use 8-bit encoding and utf-8 charset,
beacause of BOM problem (when using PHP, BOM is not very session
compliant ;) )
Maybe the "UTF-8 Cookie" encoding don't have BOM ?

>> - I'm using SciTE under both Windows & Linux (Debian). Under Linux, I
>> put my caret on line 500, and the "viewport" show lines between 400 and
>> 600 (for example), so my caret is in the middle of the "viewport".
>> If I switch to another buffer, and going back to the first one, the
>> caret is still on the same line number, but the "viewport" is different
>> (for example, showing lines from 450 to 650).
>> It's very disturbing ... :/ Is it a known bug ?
> Only in Linux? Never saw that in Windows, and I don't remember this
> problem when I (briefly) used Linux' SciTE.

As far as I remember, yes. The viewport move is strange, sometimes the
current line goes at the bottom of the viewport, sometimes at the top,
sometimes a few lines at the top, etc. ...

> SciTE/Scintilla does have issues with horizontal scrollbar when
> switching buffers, too.

I have wrap activated, so, I didn't notice such thing ;)
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