Neil Hodgson wrote:
1) It seems that selecting and then dragging text (with left button)
*copies* rather than moves the selected text. This seems odd... other
GTK+ apps (gedit, for instance) will move text if dragged; to drag/copy
one holds down the Ctrl key while dragging. I have not found a way to
move text by dragging.
Scintilla calls the drag and drop functions with default or
suggested arguments which should result in default behaviour. For
example, gdk_drag_status(context, context->suggested_action,
dragtime). The Shift key switches to move.
For some reason it doesn't on my system - I am unable to move text at
all by dragging. In any case, shouldn't the default be that drag moves
and Ctrl-drag copies...?
If someone wants to chase
this up and show that the wrong calls are being made, I would consider
changing the code.
Afraid I'm completely clueless about GTK+ :-(
2) Simply selecting in SciTE seems to allow middle-button pasting
*within* SciTE, but not externally (eg. to an xterm); again, this is not
the case for gedit.
Middle button paste does work with most applications such as GNOME
Terminal, Firefox and KDevelop. It works with xterm for me on FC4
although I have seen problems in the past.
Um, yes. I see now that middle button paste of SciTE selection does in
fact work with xterm (and rxvt, konsole, gnome-terminal, ...), but not
aterm (which tends to be my default terminal). On the other hand aterm
middle button paste works with selection from gedit... weird.
Lionel B
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