Robert Roessler:

> I just looked at this... I am [a little] surprised to find that SciTE
> is not structured the same as Scintilla vis-a-vis a "platform"
> abstraction layer with specific implementations as required.

   SciTE uses Scintilla's platform for some things.

> In any case, as GLib supports [AFAICT] one-for-one the mutex features
> used by the "win32" SciTE code, perhaps this would be an opportune
> time to add something like the "platform" architecture to SciTE (
> initially just for mutexes)?

   If someone wants to implement it. It's not as important in SciTE as
Scintilla and there are concerns pushing in the opposite direction.
FilePath is in src with #ifdefs due to the amount of shared code and
wanting creation to use simple calls of FilePath() rather than to a
factory method.


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