Neil Hodgson:
   I find it difficult to understand your point of view from your
writing. Quite often I'm thinking, "but that's completely obvious:
what does he really mean"? If you search for indent on the SciTE
documentation page it has "Indent Block | Tab". Its also common
behaviour for editors. I was thinking that you may have really meant
automatic language sensitive indentation and mentioning SCI_TAB would
at least clear that up.

Sorry for the confusion, but i really try to make my concerns coherent...
To the block-indent-problem: i've read over the section "Keybindings" because i expected not, there are special bindings with no Menu-Item like block-identation. I think this must be obvious in caption of paragrah.

a indentation-coversion-function will be also useful, i think...but i'm not able to write this completely in c++. simply: the function must convert the indention-chars (whitespace on beginning of line) to tabs if use.tabs is set and to spaces if use.tabs not set...

here my previos code with some comments

void SciTEBase::ConvertIndents()
  int FirstLine = 1; //possibly 0
  int LastLine = SendEditor(SCI_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0);;
  for (int j = FirstLine; j <= LastLine; j++)
    int lineStart = SendEditor(SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, j);
    SendEditor(SCI_SETCURRENTPOS, lineStart);
    //getting text from line j
    //loop chars in line
    while (isSpaceChar(s[p]) || (p==strlen(s))
      //here must be a checking for tab if props.GetInt("use.tabs")=0
      //or props.GetInt("indent.size") *
      //Space if props.GetInt("use.tabs")=1
      //and replace for the other
      //till the first non-whitespace is came
      if (props.GetInt("use.tabs")==0)
        if (s[p]=='\t')
          //deleting char p+linestart and insert
          //StringOfChar(' ',);
      } else
        //checking if props.GetInt("indent.size") * chars are
        // all spaces and replacing them with 1 tab
        //(comparison-code in delphi, don't know the c++-functions)
        if ((copy(s,p,props.GetInt("indent.size"))) ==
            (StringOfChar(' ',props.GetInt("indent.size"))))
          //deleting chars p - p+props.GetInt("indent.size") and insert
          //a tab

i hope with parts of the code you understand what i mean ;>
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