Neil Hodgson wrote:

... Maybe AddCommand could return whether it added a command or not.
Implemented. I've managed to remove the isBuilding variable by implementing a job flag enum jobIsBuilding

... I think this needs to be displayed before putting the command into the queue
Thank you for finding this. I've moved the code that displays the param dialog from the ::Execute() method to the ::AddCommand() method. I've altered my user properties so that GO on a .c file is:
   command.go.*.c=*$(FileName) $(1) $(2) $(3) $(4)
   command.go.needs.*.c=gcc $(FileNameExt) -o $(FileName)

In such a case, the go.needs job is added to the queue first but does not display the param dialog, and the job is not started. When the .go. job is added, the param dialog is displayed, and then runs both commands in sequence.

If the .go.needs job fails, the param dialog is still displayed but the .go. job does not run


"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to 
success when they gave up."
Thomas A. Edison

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