Hi there,

You can jump between compiler error messages with F4 - I use this
feature a lot. However, if the error is in a file in a different
directory, and the file is specified by a relative path, that file is
not opened and instead SciTE goes to the corresponding line in the
active file. For example, when I run make, I get output like this:
mingw32-make -Cd:\prg\project
mingw32-make: Entering directory `d:/prg/project'
g++ -Iinclude -O3 -Wall -s -MMD -c src/monster.cpp -o obj/mingw/monster.o
src/monster.cpp: In member function `virtual void Monster::update()':
src/monster.cpp:128: error: expected `,' or `;' before `{' token
src/monster.cpp:146: error: expected `}' at end of input
But SciTE won't open monster.cpp when I press F4.

So my question is: Is there a way to tell SciTE where to search for the
source files, or any other way to solve this issue without having to
change the directory layout of my projects?

The directories of my project are laid out like this:
sources: d:/prg/project/src/*.cpp
headers: d:/prg/project/include/*.h
makefile: d:/prg/project/makefile
I have a properties file in the project dir, and also in the src and
include dir, but the latter two only contain one line to include the former.

I use SciTE 1.66

thanks in advance,
Martijn van Iersel

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