
> SciTE makes for a really awesome gateway drug. I mean it. I love it
> because it is simple and yet powerful *but* knowing it will purposely
> rank lower in features when compared to other IDEs is a daunting burden
> to have to live with :(

   It also keeps me relatively sane.

> I wish SciTE was extensible the way Mozilla apps are. If you really feel
> a folder/file tree, multiedit panes, integrated terminal, object
> exploring side bar and etc features would be too much, please, at least
> make it easily extensible for others to fill the void.

   Its unlikely I'll work on this. For me to accept some new
extensibility features they'd have to be very well designed.

> I like SciTE. I love SciTE. I wish to only use SciTE and nothing else.
> I sometimes browse hoping one day I'll see a plugin,
> module, extension link, but nothing yet. I am aware of the related link
> but it doesn't really pay the bills :(

   There are both the Extension interface and the Director interface.
FIlerX does some of this stuff but it appears no one is interested in
continuing the work.

> I would personaly like a file explorer and more common OOP
> programming tools available directly within SciTE...

   There have been some file explorers implemented but I haven't liked
any of them enough.


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