
After carefully inspecting the ColouriseTeXDoc code I realized that the
keywordlists are not used most of the time because most TeX files would not
begin with a comment line like "%interface=tex" or "interface=latex" and the

  I don't use TeX so just assume the people that contribute code know
what they are doing. This becomes difficult when there are multiple
ways of using a language and communities built around particular
libraries as I can't judge the benefits or drawbacks.

In some cases (e.g. for users using UTF8
encoding), the first line of the document must be used for other purposes
(e.g. putting %# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- there in order that SciTE recognize
the document as being written in UTF8 encoding)

  The encoding cookie should work on line 2 as well.

I'm wondering if you would accept the idea of replacing ColouriseTeXDoc code
in LexTeX.cxx with something similar to ColoriseLaTeXDoc from LexOthers.cxx.

  To preserve current usage, it would be safer to implement a second
lexer in LexTeX.cxx and allow users to choose between the two. If
there are other TeX users on this list or the scite-interest list then
they should make their opinions known.

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