Roger Sondermann wrote:
I do get the following error when compiling the current CVS-
Version, maybe one of the usual Borland things. Is there a way to fix it?

Borland Resource Compiler  Version 5.40
Copyright (c) 1990, 1999 Inprise Corporation. All rights reserved. ilink32 -Gn -x -c -Tpe -aa c0w32 SciTEBase.obj
> ...
Fatal: Command arguments too long

Not using the Borland tools or whatever build system you are using myself, just a general observation and a question:

Most linkers have a way of specifying lengthy link args by stuffing all the filenames and switches into a file, and then just mentioning that on the command line, e.g., "link @files.txt".

Also, why does this tool announce itself as the "... Resource Compiler" - those usually are not involved in the link process?

Robert Roessler
Scite-interest mailing list

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