steve donovan:

> It's possible that the 'find files' dialog is reseting the 'match
> case' set by the 'find stuff' dialog, which would be irritating and
> inconsistent.

   Since there is no way to specify case-insensitive to the search
command, it is treated as a matching case search. This is shown by the
Match Case option being selective and inactive. The Match Case option
is shared between Find and Find in Files (and Replace). It would be
possible to separate the two but quite often you are working with
similar documents for Find and Find in Files so sharing the state
helps. It makes more sense when using the internal Find in Files as it
allows choosing case-insensitive searches.

   The global setting files should not have the properties shown by
Istvan if using current SciTE. If you want a custom Find in Files
command then it should be in user properties.

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