Geoff Catlin:

> Recently, though I'm not sure exactly when, navigating between tabs using
> Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown (which use IDM_PREVFILE and IDM_NEXTFILE) stopped
> working in my build of the GTK SciTE CVS code.
> I have this in my user options file:
> user.shortcuts=\
> Ctrl+PageUp|IDM_PREVFILE|\
> Ctrl+PageDown|IDM_NEXTFILE|
> I've tried mapping other keys to IDM_PREVFILE and IDM_NEXTFILE but to no
> avail.

   Works for me using current download with normal bindings or with
Shift+Ctrl+C, Shift+Ctrl+V mapped to  IDM_PREVFILE and IDM_NEXTFILE.

> My checkout has some differences in gtk/SciTEGTK.cxx to alter the
> menu items and accelerator keys, but is otherwise identical to CVS. I also
> recently update to Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (from Edgy Eft) which may be related,
> but I figured I'd try here first.

   My tests were on Fedora 7 so there may be some global assignment to
those keys or your changes could be at fault.

> Also, I just noticed that a single column block selection starting at the
> beginning of a line shows no selection highlighting.

   Works for me although there is a current problem with foreground
selection highlighting.

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