I released a 1.6 version of musclecard.  It comes with a directory
allowing you to use PAM with your reader/card.  It is a skeleton and just
checks to see if the card returns a valid ATR but it will work with most
services including login,chfn,passwd,etc.  I also ifdef'd all of the
printf.  I you would still like to see that #define DEBUG in dbiiso.h
I will probably work on a fairly secure PAM module soon but have fun in
the meantime.  RedHat users should have PAM preinstalled since version
3.XX.  The module compiles as a shared object and must be placed in your
/lib/security directory.  View the README under the pam_modules directory.


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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