
Here is an update on what is going on.

Ok, I wrote a CT-API driver writer HOW-TO last night and posted it up on the
site.  It also includes skeleton code and has most everything else filled in. 
I also released a new version of the CT-API for Reflex 62/64 that is CT-BCS
compliant.  It currently doesn't support the PIN pad but that is an easy fix. 
For more information please review the ctapi-howto.html.  You will notice that
all new code will by default compile to shared libraries.  This is so the new
modules will work with the resource manager.  I just finished an upper level
API for the resource manager.  Basically what I have done now handles:

1 Finds reader in config file returns library and dynamically loads it.
2. Sets up all the pointers to the function in that library.
3. Provides necessary reader/card functions.

Basically you have a few functions.  Nevermind, I'll just include the
header file to this email.  

#ifndef ctbcs_h
#define ctbcs_h

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * NAME:
 *      ctbcs.h - Copyright (C) 1998 David Corcoran
 *             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *      This calls the CT-BCS standard commands from the CT-API.
 *      David Corcoran, 9/18/98

#include "defines.h"

/* Dynamically loads the specified CT-API library */

  int CTB_LoadCTLibrary ( char *pcConfigFile,       // Config File Location.
                          char *pcReader                        // Reader Id.

/* Dynamically unloads the current CT-API library */

  int CTB_CloseCTLibrary ( 

/* Initializes the port which the CT resides */

  int CTB_Init ( int iTerminal,                      // Terminal Number.
                     int iPort                             // Port Number.

  int CTB_Close ( int iTerminal                     // Terminal Number.

/* Resets the CT */

  int CTB_ResetCT ( int iTerminal,                   // Terminal Number.
                    unsigned char cUnit,                // Slot Number.
                    unsigned int *lr,                       // Length Atr.
                    unsigned char *Atr                   // Atr.

/* Powers the ICC and returns the Atr */

  int CTB_RequestICC ( int iTerminal,                // Terminal Number.
                       unsigned char cUnit,               // Slot Number.
                       unsigned int *lr,                      // Length Atr.
                       unsigned char *Atr                  // Returned Atr.

/* Gets CT status such as Card in/out */

  int CTB_GetStatus ( int iTerminal,                 // Terminal Number.
                      int *iStatus                            // Status.

/* Powers off the ICC and ejects if available */

  int CTB_EjectICC ( int iTerminal                   // Terminal Number.

/* The heart of the CT-API */

  int CTB_Data ( unsigned int ctn,                   // Terminal Number.
                 unsigned char *dad,                    // Destination.
                 unsigned char *sad,                    // Source.
                 unsigned int lc,                          // Length of Command.
                 unsigned char *cmd,                  // Command.
                 unsigned int *lr,                        // Length of Response.
                 unsigned char *rsp                  // Response.

/************ Some defines *****************************/

#define MAX_RDRID_SIZE         (int)20      // Max reader id size.
#define MAX_RDRNAME_SIZE   (int)50     // Max reader name size.
#define MAX_RDRLIB_SIZE    (int)50        // Max reader libname size.
#define MAX_ATR_SIZE         (int)50        // Max ATR size.

#define CTB_OK                        0             // Everything is OK.
#define CTB_NOT_FOUND      -201          // Reader Library not Found.
#define CTB_FILE_ERROR       -202          // Config File not Found.
#define CTB_ERROR               -203          // General Error.

#define CTB_CARD_IN             -210            // Card Inserted.
#define CTB_CARD_OUT          -211          // Card Removed.
#define CTB_CARD_NOPOWER -213        // Card Not Powered.

#ifdef __cplusplus



David Corcoran                   Internet Security/Smartcards

Work:                            School:
205 Industrial Blvd              2252 US Highway 52 West Apt C4
Sugar Land, TX 77478             West Lafayette, IN 47906

Suggestion: Use Linux, it is for IQ's higher than 95.

  If you can't make it work, at least make it look good.
    ~ Bill Gates
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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