Ok, I need some opinions here.  Basically I have run into a small problem with
the resource manager.  Ok, BIG problem.  When I load multiple ctapi libraries
into memory ( such as two Reflex 60's on different ports ), it only references
the first.  I know of no way around this.  Alternatively, we could thread each
and every process but that involves some nasty interprocess communication.
Here are the possibilities and their drawbacks:

Threaded process: Gives support to multiple readers on the same machine either
same manufacturer or not.  BAD - Makes control alot harder and opens up area for
major security holes.

Each CT-API IO function call returns unique handle:  This would allow you to
have multiple readers of the same type on your machine.   BAD - Other
manufacturers wouldn't work.

Init/Close Library.  Here we would keep the library name in a linked list and
when we give control to another reader we would close our library and
initialize the other readers. BAD - This would be a bit slower - not much.  It
also would power off readers such as the Towitoko when handing off control to
another reader.  (This is not necesarally bad since the resource manager should
keep track of the file pointer on the card - Basically on initialization that
file would be selected again. )

Let me know what you think.  The third one is very easy to implement.  The
first the hardest.


David Corcoran                   Internet Security/Smartcards

Work:                            School:
205 Industrial Blvd              2252 US Highway 52 West Apt C4
Sugar Land, TX 77478             West Lafayette, IN 47906

Suggestion: Use Linux, it is for IQ's higher than 95.

  If you can't make it work, at least make it look good.
    ~ Bill Gates
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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