Attached below is the IFD_Handler Interface for PC/SC compatibility on the
software level.  A reader which utilizes these functions correctly should be
able to communicate with the Linux PC/SC Resource Manager.  A couple of things
might change though - as I'm trying to figure out how Microsoft does their
array implementation.  You will notice some BYTE arrays passed around but with
no idea of possible size.  I suppose in these cases you always use the
MAXIMUM_SIZE.  Arrays of strings are supposedly handled like this:


where the size of the array is calculated by traversing through until you reach
the double NULL.

Consider the function 

RESOURCEQUERY::GetGroupReaders( (char *) Groups, (char *) Readers);

This function gets all the readers in the Groups passed in.  I suppose you
would do the following:

Loop through Groups until double NULL counting the number of readers and their
respective sizes adding it all up.

Allocate this memory using new or malloc to the pointer Readers.

Add each reader to Readers delimiting it with the \0 and ending it with a \0\0.

This is how I'm currently doing this.

/ File   :   IFD_Handler.h
/ Author :   David Corcoran
/ Date   :   November 7, 1998
/ Purpose:   This provides reader specific low-level calls.
/            See for more information.
/ License:   See file LICENSE

#ifndef _IFD_Handler_h_
#define _IFD_Handler_h_

/* List of Data Structures available to IFD_Handler */


  STR Vendor_Name;              // Tag 0x0100
  STR IFD_Type;                 // Tag 0x0101
  DWORD IFD_Version;            // Tag 0x0102
  STR IFD_Serial;               // Tag 0x0103
  DWORD IFD_Channel_ID;         // Tag 0x0110

                                // Something missing from the Specification ??????

  DWORD Asynch_Supported;       // Tag 0x0120
  DWORD Default_Clock;          // Tag 0x0121
  DWORD Max_Clock;              // Tag 0x0122
  DWORD Default_Data_Rate;      // Tag 0x0123
  DWORD Max_Data_Rate;          // Tag 0x0124
  DWORD Max_IFSD;               // Tag 0x0125
  DWORD Synch_Supported;        // Tag 0x0126
  DWORD Power_Mgmt;             // Tag 0x0131
  DWORD Card_Auth_Devices;      // Tag 0x0140
  DWORD User_Auth_Device;       // Tag 0x0142
  DWORD Mechanics_Supported;    // Tag 0x0150
  DWORD Vendor_Features;        // Tag 0x0180 - 0x01F0   User Defined.

} Device;

struct ICC_STATE {

  BYTE ICC_Presence;            // Tag 0x0300
  BYTE ICC_Interface_Status;    // Tag 0x0301
  BYTE ATR[32];                 // Tag 0x0303
  BYTE ICC_Type;                // Tag 0x0304

} ICC;


   DWORD Protocol_Type;         // Tag 0x0201
   DWORD Current_Clock;         // Tag 0x0202
   DWORD Current_F;             // Tag 0x0203
   DWORD Current_D;             // Tag 0x0204
   DWORD Current_N;             // Tag 0x0205
   DWORD Current_W;             // Tag 0x0206
   DWORD Current_IFSC;          // Tag 0x0207
   DWORD Current_IFSD;          // Tag 0x0208
   DWORD Current_BWT;           // Tag 0x0209
   DWORD Current_CWT;           // Tag 0x020A
   DWORD Current_EBC;           // Tag 0x020B
} Protocol;

/* List of Defines available to IFD_Handler */

#define IFD_POWER_UP                    500
#define IFD_POWER_DOWN                  501
#define IFD_RESET                       502

#define IFD_SUCCESS                     0
#define IFD_ERROR_TAG                   600
#define IFD_ERROR_SET_FAILURE           601
#define IFD_ERROR_VALUE_READ_ONLY       602
#define IFD_NEGOTIATE_PTS11             603
#define IFD_NEGOTIATE_PTS22             604
#define IFD_ERROR_PTS_FAILURE           605
#define IFD_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED         606
#define IFD_ERROR_POWER_ACTION          608
#define IFD_ERROR_SWALLOW               609
#define IFD_ERROR_EJECT                 610
#define IFD_ERROR_CONFISCATE            611
#define IFD_COMMUNICATION_ERROR         612
#define IFD_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT            613
#define IFD_NOT_SUPPORTED               614

/* Extension of the Specification */

#define IFD_ICC_PRESENT                 614
#define IFD_ICC_NOT_PRESENT             615

/* List of Defined Functions Available to IFD_Handler */

RESPONSECODE IFD_Get_Capabilities (
                                        DWORD Tag,
                                        BYTE Value[]

RESPONSECODE IFD_Set_Capabilities (
                                        DWORD Tag,
                                        BYTE Value[]

RESPONSECODE IFD_Set_Protocol_Parameters (
                                          DWORD ProtocolType,
                                          BYTE SelectionFlags,
                                          BYTE PTS1,
                                          BYTE PTS2,
                                          BYTE PTS3

                                DWORD ActionRequested




                                        BYTE CommandData[],
                                        BYTE ResponseData[]




David Corcoran                   Internet Security/Smartcards

Work:                            School:
205 Industrial Blvd              2252 US Highway 52 West Apt C4
Sugar Land, TX 77478             West Lafayette, IN 47906

Suggestion: Use Linux, it is for IQ's higher than 95.

  If you can't make it work, at least make it look good.
    ~ Bill Gates
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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