Ignorant question:  (I'm not too familiar with Mac and OCF ;-)

Are you building OCF on top of MUSCLE for Mac?  Or are you building a
PC/SC on top of an existing Mac OCF?

The main reason for asking, is that I'd like to know if/how my Intertex
IX36 driver for MUSCLE will port to Mac...  The current version probably
will, since it uses MUSCLES serial driver.

But my next version (in progress) will support simultanous modem + reader
operation, by using some pty/tty magic.  And I doubt the Mac has pty:s.

Will MUSCLE provide the reader drivers for the Mac?


At 14:03 1999-05-17 -0500, you wrote:
>I was looking into writing a PC/SC to OCF interoperability layer so that
>applications could talk using a C PC/SC like API which would JNI over to
>the OCF framework.  This would be a quick hack for Macintosh users and all
>applications developed for Linux or Windows could quickly be ported to
>Macintosh and vice-versa.  Any thoughts ????

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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