
I'm experiencing a communication problem between the PC and the smartcard (or 
terminal?). At unpredictable points in time, the smartcard (IBM 
smartcard-for-e-business) does not react any more. This happens both under 
Linux and Windows. Occasionally, all works fine, but sometimes, the card 
doesn't respond to a reset or hangs later on between two commands.

I'm running a Pentium II, 300MHz with UART 16550A chip. One potential problem 
is that especially during a reset, the reader consumes more power than is 
available, causing hazardous behavior. However, I'm using the Towitoko 
(external ChipDrive) terminals and they have a little accu in the cable, which 
is probably to overcome this problem. I heard that there's a possibility to 
supply the serial port with an additional 9V battery, but I can't find any 
place to put it in my PC. Anybody knows a clue? Has anybody ever experienced 
similar problems?


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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