
After IŽve found some severe bugs that caused heavy
problems (and many sleeples nights :-) ) it seems that
the routines are working. 

But there is a lot of work left. Currently there is no
error handling done, that means that the T=1-routine
wonŽt try to resynch to the card or something like
that. If an error occurs, the routine leaves with only
indicating that there was an error, but does not tell,
which kind of error that is.

I added support for generic commands of the BasicCard
from ZeitControl (www.basiccard.com), that uses the
T=1-protocol. The support for this card will be
enhanced in the next weeks, IŽll tell more on that in
a few days.

If anyone wants to try the routines (David, you should
have received them already), just send me a mail, as
there is no place in the web you can find them. But
be aware that there is no documentation yet (apart
from some comments in the sources). They only work with
Towitoko drives and with the current structure it will
be some work to add support for further drives.

I would be glad if someone tests my work as it is my
first piece of programming using Linux and C (and
Smartcards of course :)).

Bye, Mike

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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