"K.C." wrote:

> My question to the list is this:
> I plan to purchase a card reader and some cards to play with and hopefully
> contribute to the development of PC/SC / PKCS-11 software for the Linux
> community.

Welcome and thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

> >From the research I have done so far, I was thinking of purchasing the
> Schlumberger "Reflex 62" card reader and a set of cards to use with it...

I'd say Reflex 7x family is a better choice, since Reflex 6x family is quite dated 
(i.e. not well supported).

> What is the status of the support for the on-board cryptography functions
> on the Cryptoflex cards?   The "Cyberflex Access 16K crypto" cards look
> like the best deal, as they provide the crypto functions, the Java engine,
> as well as 16K of RAM...

Well, I believe it's more like 14K of EEPROM (not RAM) -- the root directory has the 
number of bytes free so you should look at that to get the real number.  The chip has 
16K of EEPROM but we need some of it for our code... :-)

And, we only have one card that does cryptography today: Cyberflex Access.  (We also 
sell non-crypto Access for non-N.A. customers -- we're trying to get export approval 
for the crypto version.)

> Is documentation on the Schlumberger crypto functions available without
> buying one of their expensive resource kits?

You can download a PDF from our web site: www.cyberflex.slb.com

> Anyway- any info would be helpful, and I apologize if any of this was
> recently answered on the list.. (Although I didn't see it in the
> archives.)

As for actual support of Access (or Open16K), I haven't heard anyone working on it.  
As I've expressed privately to few other posters, I'd be more than happy to provide 
help for supporting Cyberflex on the new Xcard (BTW, the old Xcard -- along with the 
testapp.c that I wrote -- is a great place to start).

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Product Manager, Smart Cards, Schlumberger APC
TEL/FAX: +1 512-331-3727         8311 N RR 620, Austin, TX 78726  U.S.A.

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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