
David Corcoran wrote:
> Hi, here is a bit that I wrote up to vent on my lack of standards in the
> smartcard industry.

> [Interoperability]
- All cards do not need to were everywhere. A key card needs not to work
  in an ATM. It certainly could make it cheaper.

- Manufacturers want to differenciate. They want to have features other
  manufacturers do not have. That's why there are these many unices despite
  the many unix standards.

> 1)  One communication protocol should be used.  Currently there are
> several:  T=0, T=1, Synchronous, and others.  My personal feeling is that
> all cards should communicate in the T=1 block protocol.  It is much more
I agree, that today all cards should be powerfull enough to implement
T=1, which is nicer than T=0, but you can't implement it on memory
cards. So I would favour one protocol for smart cards and one for
memory cards.

> T=0 does this through the ATR so if the card needs more time it has
> to change the ATR to notify the host of this.
It can send 0x60s to extend the work waiting time.

> information.  I think the ATR should have 6 historical bytes reserved for
> identification.  2 for manufacturer id, 2 for manufacturer mask, and 2 for
> user definition.
I think user definition is not neccessary if there is a EF_DIR on the
card. The ATR should provide enough information to know what card you
are talking to and which commands it provides.

> 3)  ISO-7816 should include a command for the creation of a
> transparent file and a command for the listing of files.
That's not easy. This requires e.g. a standard for file access
permissions, which are handled differently by nearly every card.
Number of PINs, number of keys, access methods (MAC, encrypted),
type of access regulated (write, update, read, execute, create,
locked, ...), ... .

> I should be able to list the directory of files on the card in 1 way on
> any card.
At least the FIDs and basic information.

If you really do all this, you will have one card with one operating


endergone Zwiebeltuete

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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