
I am quite new to working with Chipcards and drives, so please excuse if I'm
not too familiar with any general problems and their solutions.

OK, I am trying to read and write memory cards using SuSE Linux, Kernel
2.2.13 or 2.0.36. I am using the latest Towitoko CT-API. Unfortunately I am
not able to read or write any data from or to the mem card. I am using
Towitoko's "Chipdrive extern".

The problem is, that I get no response on the reset command. Because, as I
have seen, it is sent before any other command, I can't do really anything
with the drive. Unfortunately it works wwell under Windows :-) , so there's
no defect.

I also tried the "tester" program coming with the CT-API und used another
"cttest" program for testing the CT-API, they both have the same problem.

Symptoms: CT_init() is working well, and also the GetRdrStatus(), setting
the LED and ActivateCard(). They all receive an answer from the drive. But
when a reset is sent (with answer requested), the drive is not answering. I
have debugged it so far and the command is sent, but the select()-command is
just timing out, because there never comes an answer on the reset.

Has anybody had a similar problem? What am I doing wrong?!?

Here is the test protocol:

CT-API Library Test

Loading CT-API library (libctapi-towitoko.so): Ok.
Initialising CT-API library:Sending: 0 1       -> GetRdrType
Receiving: 84 43 93
---- Reader type: 0x84
Test 1:Sending: 3 7                            -> GetRdrStatus
Receiving: C0 82
---- Card present / change
Sending: 6F 1 6A F 46                          -> LED on
Receiving: 1
Sending: 60 F 9C                               -> ActivateCard
Receiving: 1
---- Sending Active Low Reset
Sending: A0 6F 0 5 74                          -> Reset
Receiving: ERROR                               -> Ooops.
---- Sending Active High Reset
Sending: 80 6F 0 5 76
Receiving: ERROR
---- Sending Active Low Reset
Sending: A0 6F 0 5 74
Receiving: ERROR
---- Sending Active High Reset
Sending: 80 6F 0 5 76
Receiving: ERROR
---- Sending Active Low Reset
Sending: A0 6F 0 5 74
Receiving: ERROR
---- Sending Active High Reset
Sending: 80 6F 0 5 76
Receiving: ERROR

Thanks in advance,


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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