
Which is the price for this product and include of SDK???????

Sam Goldsmith wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an inventory of BRAND NEW Gemplus GCR500-USH smartcard readers that I
> am
> willing to sell to an interested buyer.  The reader consists of:
> Industrial type enclosure
> Reads/Writes ISO-7816-1234 smartcards and memory cards.
> 2x16 character LCD display
> 4x4 pin keypad for PIN entry/etc,
> Power supply
> RS-232 interface.
> Please email me directly (off the list) at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> if you are interested in pricing.
> Regards,
> Sam Goldsmith
> Vice President
> Goldsmith Group Inc
> 2107 N. Adams St.
> Indpls, In 46218
> 317-545-4747
> 317-545-4883 fax
> "Providing New Ways to Recycle Electronics"
> ***************************************************************
> Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
> (Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)
> ***************************************************************

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Lic. Carlos Alberto Fernández           NewCode
Developer Manager                       Pavon 1923 1º Of. 4
RDBMS, Bussiness Apl., SmartCard & ID   Capital Federal, Argentina
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               (1248)
                                        Tel/Fax: 54.11.4304.3772 
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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