
R & D - REALTRONIC wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to use the Gemplus GCR410 reader
> with memory card (I2C and Siemens SLE4418/28).
> The PCSC driver for muscle works only with the T=0 and T=1
> protocol. Is there anybody who have already used the GCR410
> with memory card ? or have already write the missing code ?

Actually, it is possible to use a GCR410 to access memory cards.
What you need is to have a mean of direct connection to the reader
in order to use GemCore features to access memory cards. I know that
in OCF (java environment), such a function is 'sendTerminalCommand'.

I asked the PC/SC experts that I know of here (I put them in Bcc
if they need to add more info) and they told me the equivalent
function in PC/SC is 'SCardControl'. The problem when you use such
direct access function is that the code is proprietary because
the code sequence to send to the reader is not standardized.
So with the Windows PC/SC, it is actually possible to use the
GCR410 and the 'SCardControl' function to access memory cards.

The bad news, in case of Linux, are that:

1) this function has been documented on the driver side but my PC/SC
experts didn't find a corresponding API of the resource manager
(in the pcsc-lite 0.7.3 pdf) that could actually be used by the
applications. David, any thoughts on this? Does this API exist?

2) contrary to what we have done in the Windows driver, this
memory card access has not been implemented in the GCR410 Linux
driver, so you would have to look at the GemCore specifications:
http://www.linuxnet.com/documentation/files/e5225050.pdf and then
update the driver sources in order to enable this feature.

Hope it'll help a little. Good luck anyway.


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