
> make linux
> make install-linux

Yep, does seem to work. The pcscd gets up and running, but I still
get the 

Please enter the desired host (localhost for this machine): localhost
Testing SCardEstablishContext 
localhost: RPC: Success
ERROR :: Cannot Connect to Resource Manager

>From testrpc. It seems that the pcscd works fine, as I get the events

eventhandler.c 147: EHSpawnEventHandler: Card Removed From Gemplus Gemcore
Based Reader
eventhandler.c 182: EHSpawnEventHandler: Card inserted into Gemplus
Gemcore Based Reader
eventhandler.c 186: EHSpawnEventHandler: Card insertion ATR:
        3b ad 0 40 ff 80 31 80 65 b0 5 1 1 5e 83 0 90 0 

Should I just ignore the error from testrpc?



Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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