
It is true that you can do this but it should not work very well anymore.
PC/SC for Linux has undergone alot of changes throughout the last 2 years.

"In the beginning" there was the huge CORBA based PC/SC which used mico,
C++, STL and was very non-portable and large.

Then I decided to work on pcsc-lite.  I first  wanted you to be able to
just link an application directly to the architecture for an embedded app.
Then I added RPC so multiple apps could talk to a daemon.  Then I added the
ability to do RPC.  I did all this to get a feeling of what people wanted
and what they are using.  I don't believe any of the 0.7.X or higher
versions will work by linking your application to pcsclite-core.so.  The
ability to do remote RPC will be removed in the next 0.8.4 version.  None
of these changes affect the API's just the add on behavior.  The goal was
to create a 'fat' client to make pcscd more efficient and to give more
control to the applications for getting events.  It was actually a great
idea to do fat clients because now all the functionality that people want
is implemented.

Drivers are still the same.  You build your driver and edit your
/etc/reader.conf to configure it's location.  If it is a USB driver you put
the driver in /usr/local/pcsc/drivers and that's it.

My milestones for getting USB readers to work on Linux in an automatic

        1) Write a small XML parser to parse the Info.plist in the bundle.
        2) Install a 2.4 kernel on my machine.  I have to find another
           first to do this on just in case it doesn't work out smoothly
        3) Install the usb stress package which allows a user space program
           to call on one kernel module (ie: the drivers can be portable)
        4) Figuring how to traverse the device list.
        5) Figuring how to get a unique ID for identical devices.

Sometime in the future I will work on power management also so the card's
power is turned off when the machine is put to sleep.

Best Regards,

>is it correct: when i link my application against libpcsclite-core.so i do
>not need pcscd running? are the libpcsclite.so + RPC + pcscd just for
>transfering function calls from application to libpcsclite-core.so?
>Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
>(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

David Corcoran                                  Purdue University
1008 Cherry Lane
West Lafayette, IN 47906
765 - 427 - 5147                                http://www.linuxnet.com

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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