I do most of my smartcard development work on Linux.  I personally
like it much better than smartcard environments on Windows because
it's more convenient and is free. 

reader: Todos Argos Mini and Towitoko Chipdrive
card: Schlumberger Cyberflex Access
development environment: 

Have fun, 

> Hello!
> I am a total newbie regarding smartcards, but I'm very interestet
> in this tecnologie. What reader/writer and cards would you suggest
> , if I would like to use it with linux? The Problem is, that because I
> just do it for fun, I don't have a spechial task to do and so I like
> to have a system that I can use for many things! 
> Do you think it is a good idea anyway to use it with linux, or is the
> windows world more comfortable up to now (don't hope so)? 
> Thanxx in advance

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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