
I want to include in my CT-API driver for Towitoko a command that allows
a user to request PTS (Protocol Type Selection) procedure.

I wonder if there is some kind of standard command to issue a PTS
request and get response from a smartcard using CT-API.  I mean
something similar to a CT-BCS command where I send the
PTS request (PTSS, PTS0, PTS1, PTS2, PTS3, PCK) whithin the data field
of the command and get the PTS response.

The Towitoko toolbox for windows CT-API testtool incudes the command:

GDM CT_CONFIG PTS T=80 17 01 10 05 02 FF 11 11 FE.  Where CLASS=80, INS
= 17, P1 = 01, P2 = 10, LC = 05 and Data = 02 FF 11 11 FE

Somebody knows the meaning of this command? What is the meaning of the
first data byte 02?


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