
I don't understand.

I can select a file, write onto the file but i can't read any thing from
the card.
Everytime i try to do a read i get  a transaction failed message.

I don't make any transaction in the code so i don't understand.

Connection to the Card Successful ...
Protocol in used : 0 ...
Testing SCSelectFile ...
PCSC OK: Command successful.
Result APDU : 90
Result APDU : 0

Result test Read : Transaction failed.

Try to disconnect to Card ... OK
Try to release context ... OK

If i try with the tester program shipped with the towitoko driver i can
read, some part of the card.
But if i use pcsc i am not able to read it.

I would like to know what kind of error it is ?
Why make the read failed ?

Any idea.

PS : I use PCSC lite 0.8.4, chipdrive card reader and a memory card SLE


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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