>From: "R. Argentini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: E-Gate 5 Drivers?
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>Hello everybody. My name is Ranieri Argentini and i am a student a the
>Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.
>In its effort to set up a common and comprehensive
>authentication/authorisation framework the university has been handing out
>student passes with smarcards and smardcard readers to students.
>The reader set consists of a 2-tel (www.2-tel.nl) E-Gate 5 smartcard reader
>and MS Windows PC/SC drivers. This of course leaves the people running
>something else than windows out in the cold, and there are quite a few
>Linux/Unix users at a tech uni.
>Some other people and I have taken it upon us to try and see if we can get
>it to work in Linux. The problem seems to be though (as you might have
>guessed from the Subject line :) that there are no PC/SC Lite drivers
>available for the reader in question. Since the university has already been
>handing out a lot of them, i suppose there's little hope in getting them to
>switch to a supported reader.
>Now for the questions :)
>Is it possible that the thing will work with some sort of "generic" driver?
>We are talking about a serial reader that contains little electronics. The
>most notable feature is a very small IC that bears the name "HC132". This
>is most likely an oscillator. There are also quite a number of very very
>tiny two and three terminal things i presume to be resistors and
>transistors though they are definately not the ones we use in electronics
>lab. Further there's one inductance and a couple of things that might very
>well be power transistors near the 9V DC in. The whole thing is mounted on
>a 1x1,5 inch PCB.
>Does this sound familiar to anyone? If anyone is in doubt i will gladly
>post a picture to the list :)
>Does anyone have some useful hints about what to say if i have to write to
>the manufacturer to ask them to please ontribute a driver or some specs?
>What has worked in the past? What hasn't?
>In case all else fails, do i have any hope to conjure up a driver any other
>way? That is, reverse engineering the windows driver, or trying to capture
>serial port traffic during authentication or something like that?
>Thank you for your attention,

David Corcoran                                  Purdue University
1008 Cherry Lane
West Lafayette, IN 47906
765 - 532 - 6006                                http://www.linuxnet.com

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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