We are two undergraduate students and we are working on Cyberflex Access cards
with a Reflex 64 reader, using pcsclite 0.5.5 and OCF 1.2, for research
We have one problem:
we must implement a multiplication on-card between two byte arrays. We did
it... but if the arrays are too long, the ocf returns this:

opencard.core.terminal.CardTerminalException: Pcsc10CardTerminal: PCSC
Exception in method SCardTransmit: error occurred with SCardTransmit
return code = 00000114

We think that it can be a timeout error. We have tried to use
apdu.waitExtension() on our cardlet, but we haven't seen any difference because
the number of iteration in the cardlet loop remains the same.
We got the same result changing the java ATR in this way:

How can we increase the timeout? Is there something wrong in our ATR?

We thank you all in andvance for your help,
Emiliano Ida'
Simone Baldi
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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