Hi Phil,

I think the appropriate thing to do there is to take the SCard API and map
it to the IFDHandler API.  You could do this in under an hour if you just
do the main functions like:

SCardConnect -> IFDHOpen
SCardDisconnect -> IFDHClose
SCardTransmit -> IFDHTransmit
SCardStatus -> IFDHICCPresence

Since there is only one application you could just stub out Begin/End
Transaction functions, Establish, Release, context.  If you would like to
discuss more, please send me an email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best Regards,

David Corcoran                 Internet Security/Smartcards

Home:                          Purdue University
1008 Cherry Lane               Department of Computer Science
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Home: (765) 463-0096
Cell: (765) 532-6006



Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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