David Corcoran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is great.


> Any ideas how we can get it to work on OS X ?  It shows up as
> powerpc-apple-darwin1.3 but then it ssays not supported.  How can I
> support that ?

Ok, the easy part is configure.in

--- configure.in.orig   Wed Apr 11 17:48:45 2001
+++ configure.in        Wed Apr 11 17:49:00 2001
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 case "${build_os}" in
  linux-gnu)    arch=linux ;;
  *bsd)         arch=bsd ;;
- darwin)       arch=darwin ;;
+ *darwin*)     arch=darwin ;;
  solaris*)     arch=solaris ;;
  *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Operating system ${build_os} not supported]) ;;

Then, the buildsystem should be ready for OS X specific
configuration.  Look in src/Makefile.am where you will find that
thread_macosx.c, dyn_macosx.c and hotplug_macosx.c should be selected
already.  But you might need to add some include arguments to your
c-compiler (there is some in the old build system).  I think you
should be able to handle this with something like the following

--- src/Makefile.am.orig    Wed Apr 11 17:54:52 2001
+++ src/Makefile.am Wed Apr 11 17:56:55 2001
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 PCSC_THREAD_SOURCE = thread_macosx.c
 PCSC_DYNLOAD_SOURCE = dyn_macosx.c
 PCSC_HOTPLUG_SOURCE = hotplug_macosx.c
+INCLUDES += -I/where/ever -I/somewhere/else
 PCSC_THREAD_SOURCE = thread_unix.c

After changing that you should run the reconf script, which requires
autoconf, automake and libtool to run.  Please use only newest
versions of these.

Maybe there are more, but I don't know much (anything) about OS X...

P.S.  I am leaving for some easter holiday "stuff" in 10 minuttes, and
will not be online before saturday :-/

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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