Does anyone know anything about Cylink's Minikey USB tokens?  There was
some discussion on the sclinux list last year about USB tokens, but I
don't see anything more recent.

Cylink currently supports only Windows clients, although they're making
noises like they might support Linux and Solaris later this year.  Is
community working with Cylink at all?  Does the community need anything
from them?  I have a contact inside Cylink who is interested in
what customers need.  Boeing is a large potential customer. (hint, hint)

My group has set up a demo in which users with certs on Minikey tokens
access an Apache web server using client-side and server-side SSL to
gain access (or not) to pages based on their identity.  While a cool
demonstration of PKI technology, this currently only works for Windows
clients.  I'd like to change that.

Any suggestions, comments, or brickbats you may have to offer will be

Paul Allen

Boeing Phantom Works                   \ Paul L. Allen, (425) 865-3297
Math & Computing Technology              \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
POB 3707 M/S 7L-40, Seattle, WA 98124-2207 \ Prototype Systems Group
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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