Thanks for your input, guys, really appreciated.


On 03/22/2017 03:51 PM, Davis, Daniel (NIH/NLM) [C] wrote:
Amen to this.   I shipped an appliance install base on Pungi/Anaconda, but in 
my current role, I do not have root.
I found SCL and got what we needed without us having to build it ourself.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Griffin, Wesley (Fed)
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 10:49 AM
To: Honza Horak <>;
Subject: Re: [] Idea: Software Collections Daemons Made System-wide

My use case is for newer compilers and interpreters on development workstations.

I do not, however, manage my systems - our system administrator does that, so I 
work with him to get the SCL packages installed where necessary.

I am pretty confident that if I wanted to install an SCL package and it wrapped 
the system binary in some way he would refuse. He supports many more machines 
than just my development group and tries to maintain the same set of packages 
across all machines.

The beauty of SCL is that he can install it everywhere, but not affect anybody 
that doesn't opt-in. We have a similar setup for Intel compilers, Matlab, and 
other scientific software used in our organization.

So in that sense, adapting to a new approach would be troublesome, but only if 
it was the only approach. As long as the system binary wrappers are in 
subpackages which are optional, then I see no issues for us to continue using 
future SCL packages.


From: Honza Horak <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 3:41:54 AM
To: Griffin, Wesley (Fed);
Subject: Re: [] Idea: Software Collections Daemons Made System-wide

I don't expect we'll do this for existing packages we provide, it's more a 
vision for new collections (e.g. mariadb 10.2 at some point).

Anyway, do you also see the same point for those upcoming collections (where 
we're not tight by keeping backward compatibility), e.g. because you're fine 
with all the SCL specifics and adapting to the new way would be troublesome?


On 03/22/2017 04:30 AM, Griffin, Wesley (Fed) wrote:
I will chime in as the "old curmudgeon" - as long as you don't break the 
existing use case, then I'm fine with any changes. The blog post says subpackages will be 
used to ensure no breakage - I just want to re-iterate that this is important and should 
not get lost if the proposal changes.


From: <> on behalf
of Honza Horak <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 11:05:26 AM
Subject: [] Idea: Software Collections Daemons Made System-wide

This is basically a kick-off for getting more feedback for an idea
shared at

Shortly, SCL has worked nicely for several years and people love them.
But even the beloved ones have some issues. And what we hear from
users, the issues with Software Collections concept currently are basically 

* we need to use scl enable, which changes $PATH and other environment
variables, so the binaries placed in different location are visible by
the system
* scripts originally written for "normal" MySQL use full paths (like
/usr/bin/mysql) which does not work when we only have the Software
Collection installed
* Data directory, config files and log files are on different location
than it is common

The blog post tries to summarize possible solution, which I'm looking
for feedback now, ideally by replying to this mail..


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