
with environment-modules the hierarchy is

/opt/provider/<tool name>-<version>/<os>-<arch>-<cpu platform>

as example for samtools 1.9

$ ls /opt/provider/samtools-1.9/

el6-x86_64-generic  el6-x86_64-haswell  el6-x86_64-westmere

Is it possible to get the same beaviour with scl, in order to detect automaticaly the host and load the best "module" ?

Thanks best regards


Jonathan MERCIER
Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine (CNRGH)

Researcher computational biology

PhD, Jonathan MERCIER

Bioinformatics (LBI)

2, rue Gaston Crémieux

91057 Evry Cedex

Tel :(33) 1 60 87 83 44

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