On Thu, May 02, 2019 at 01:48:09PM +0000, Vindevogel, Yves wrote:
> I have created an instance using the RHEL 7.6 AMI.  One of the things to
> install is Puppet (server and db).  To have this, we need Ruby 2.5.  Within
> Deloitte (Belgium), one of the accepted ways to install software that does
> not come standard with the distribution, is to use SCL.  But I can't install
> it, it seems.  When I want to install the optional packages and the scl
> packages using subscription-manager, nothing can be added.  The list is
> empty.
> What is the standard way to add this to the AWS AMI ?
I believe you have to ask Amazon as Amazon provides you the software. Maybe this
<https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?messageID=551601> or that
<https://access.redhat.com/solutions/1120983> web page could provide you some

-- Petr

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