I wanted to weigh in with a path related issue that came up in the LaTeX

My question is where does Scons stand these days on the issue of paths and
not using the whole user environment by default?

For Macs, the Latex tools were rarely on the default paths that Scons
searched and therefore you had to create an Environment that included
os.environ's path.  This was a real pain since most of the test/TEX/*
files did not do thatŠ So what I came up with and is in the code base now
is to add to the path the directories that the system adds to its path for
installed features like Latex and X11. We did this because Mac OSX has a
standard file/directory (/etc/paths and /etc/paths.d/*) that lists
directories that get added to the system path.

Is there a similar set of paths on Windows that we should add to the
default? Or is there a place to look for a path when initializing a
specific tool that needs a given executable or set of executables?

I think is one issue that needs work as we discuss tool initialization.

Rob Managan                             email managan at llnl.gov
LLNL                                             phone: 925-423-0903
P.O. Box 808, L-095                   FAX:   925-422-3389
Livermore, CA  94551-0808

On 12/20/12 9:09 AM, "Dirk Bächle" <tshor...@gmx.de> wrote:

>Hello developers,
>based on my proposed changes to the current tests in src/test there has
>been some discussion about how a Tool should work. Especially in
>connection with the LaTeX Tool, questions like:
>   - Do we want to have one "latex" Tool for all, or separate ones for
>"miktex", "texlive"...?
>   - Should a Tool try to find a "Miktex" installation in the current
>system, or simply search for
>     the "latex" executable while relying on a correct setup of the PATH
>showed up.

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