On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 1:26 AM, Gary Oberbrunner <ga...@oberbrunner.com>wrote:

> Here's my ideas about what projects are important this year (and into the
> future -- there's too much here for a year unless we attract some new
> developers).  I put this out as food for thought, and to start discussion
> -- I'm sure you will have different opinions, things I haven't thought
> about.  Please chime in!

 I have a hard time trying to figure out what to do with SCons, because I
still don't understand how it works. I'd dedicate all 2013 to "creating an
ideal build tool - documenting the SCons". So, the appropriate:

  * Draw a pathway through the debris of SCons information
    * Entrypoints for
      * Application developers trying to use SCons for cross-platform
builds of their projects
      * Application users trying to build apps from source
      * Tool developers trying to use SCons as a build automation tool for
their problems
    * Recipe book, use case book

>   * Revise docs
    * Update
    * Cleanup
    * Replace text with pictures
      * Map internals to pictures and graphs
      * Reduce

  * Finally migrate everything
    * Try Roundup
    * Centralized single-click login for MoinMoin and Roundup

SCons Visibility Project:
  * Phase debugging - insert new debugging statements that will display the
internal SCons phases, such as
    ---[phase 001: parsing options]--
    ---[phase 002: selecting command]--
    ---[phase 003: searching for SConscript]--
    ---[phase 004: detecting tools]--
    ---[phase 005: initializing tools]--
    ---[phase 006: importing SConscript]--
    ---[phase 006.001: starting dependency tree]--
    ---[phase 006.002: using tool XXX]--
    ---[phase 007: analysing dependency tree]--
    ---[phase 008: processing dependency tree]--
    ---[phase 008.001: finding target]--
    ---[phase 008.001: finding dependencies]--
    ---[phase 009: executing build operations]--
    ---[phase 010: done]--
  * Remove outdated stuff from internals to keep it clear

>    - Toolchain revamp
>       - Goals
>          - Toolchain specs with AND/OR/error
>          - Easy install of external tools
>          - Decouple standard tools from core
>          - Allow tools to take args (version, arch, ...) w/o polluting
>          env
>        - Issues
>          - Users need to be able to set up tool chains before SConstruct
>          - Users need to be able to set toolchains for default env
>          - Need reliable exists() method
>          - Don't modify env['PATH'], allow specific path-setting per tool
>             - but make that debuggable
>           - Can we make it back-compatible?
> I am +1 on toolchain revamp, but I'd like to start with a specification
like a less formal version of PEP or PSEP (PySide version) that describes
the way thinks work now, why do they work so and what are the options. It
is good if the options will be backed up by user story. So, the ideal way
for me is to tackle one user story at a time. Right now the user story is
trying to understand how the tools work and document it inside the sources.

Everything below is a mystery to me, except Python 3, for which we are not
yet ready.

>    - Node cleanup
>       - Speed
>       - Memory
>       - Extensibility
>       - Separate concerns
>          - Filesystem
>          - Dependency info
>          - Signatures
>         - Subst logic
>       - Arrays, strings
>       - Predictability
>       - Orthogonality
>       - Compatibility
>     - Taskmaster
>       - not most important in 2013
>     - Python 3
>       - Compatibility
>       - Options
>          - 2.7+3?
>          - python3 version
>          - ?
>        - How did the ML vote come out?
> --
> Gary
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