Not that I want to wade into this discussion but just a reminder that in
all the developing I have done with scones (not a lot) I have never used
the bootstrap process. I always have opted for the procedure just above
that in the README.rst

You can execute the local SCons directly from the src/ subdirectory by
first setting the SCONS_LIB_DIR environment variable to the local
src/engine subdirectory, and then executing the local src/script/
script to populate the build/scons/ subdirectory. You would do this as
follows on a Linux or UNIX system (using sh or a derivative like bash or

$ setenv MYSCONS=`pwd`/src
$ setenv SCONS_LIB_DIR=$MYSCONS/engine
$ python $MYSCONS/script/ [arguments]

Or on Windows:

C:\scons>set MYSCONS=%cd%\src
C:\scons>set SCONS_LIB_DIR=%MYSCONS%\engine
C:\scons>python %MYSCONS%\script\ [arguments]

I suppose I should go ahead and put in a pull request to correct the typos
or to be specific give examples for different shells so it works. For my
old school mindset I like the idea of just telling scones where to find
the source.

Rob Managan                             email managan at
LLNL                                             phone: 925-423-0903
P.O. Box 808, L-095                   FAX:   925-422-3389
Livermore, CA  94551-0808


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