Yes I'm sorry I used the wrong list mistake. Bad copy paste and
I'm subscribed to both.
On Apr 30, 2014 4:36 PM, "Dirk Bächle" <> wrote:

> Hi William,
> On 01.05.2014 01:01, William Roberts wrote:
>> I typically set up my builds with a hierachical layout and a variant
>> directory and do some other things to make it all work together.
>> Normally I program in C, and this all works.
>> Recently, I tried using java and broke. I have a very simple example
>> that doesnt work. If I change the SConscript calls to use a variant
>> dir, its broken, if I dont it works...
>> Sconstruct:
>>       <snip>
>>          SConscript(script)
>>          #SConscript(script, variant_dir=outdir, duplicate=1)
>>       <snip>
>> to
>>       <snip>
>>          #SConscript(script)
>>          SConscript(script, variant_dir=outdir, duplicate=1)
>>       <snip>
>> it breaks...
>> Can someone explain what's going on here? Thanks.
>>  possibly, if you could give us a little more info about your example.
> Like, what's in the variables "script" and "outdir"? What's the exact error
> message that you get?
> You'll also reach more people (=> faster response times and more thorough
> discussions) if you post these kind of questions to the user mailing list
> first. The developers are subscribed to it too, and will chime in if
> necessary.
> Best regards,
> Dirk
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