On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 6:54 PM, Russel Winder <rus...@winder.org.uk> wrote:
> On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 14:03 +0200, Dirk Bächle wrote:
>> just saw that PyConUK ( http://pyconuk.org/ ) has started their call for
>> proposals (talks/sprints/whatever), that get accepted by 19th August. I
>> guess this mainly goes out to Russel ;) , but it would be cool if SCons
>> would be on the conference schedule in some way.

I'd be happy to give a talk in a broken English, but UK requires a separate
visa and discriminating travel expenses. =)

> The question is what is the interesting Python angle?

1. Subprocess + Parts definitely.
2. "Compiling C programs for Python programmers" - I am lost in all those
    compiler, linker specifics, options and keys, and badly need a reference
3. This is a continuation of the problem above - make an overview of current
    tools and toolchain descriptions, add pictures and problems that SCons
    have, so that interested people can join to help us

> I did some full
> sessions on SCons 2007 and 2008. Most of the time I am plugging
> concurrency, parallelism and the "pain in the arse" that is the GIL.
> However that fight has been lost as Guido seems committed to the GIL in
> CPython, and Armin's experiments using STM are not really gaining much
> traction in PyPy or CPython.

Well, STM is not ready yet, but people are watching closely into this
as well as into https://github.com/dropbox/pyston
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