On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Russel Winder <rus...@winder.org.uk> wrote:
> Returning to (*) I wonder if we are getting close to a situation where
> "batteries included" is the wrong approach and that the core should be
> modularized. I am not sure about how this would work in Windows without
> using Chocolatey, but for proper operating systems with package
> management (so MacPorts or HomeBrew on OSX), having a scons-core,
> scons-extra-tools, scons-extra-packages, etc. would work easily.

I agree.  We are getting close to that situation.  Trying to include
every possible tool in SCons won't scale.  Adding site_scons was the
first step toward that.  I would very much like to see an add-on
system in SCons, preferably using an existing python-related system
like pypi or something like that.  Wouldn't it be perfect if people
could create tools (not just Tools but anything), register them with
some central system, and then anyone could install them - bonus points
if it manages inter-add-on dependencies.  As you say, I think we have
large parts of that already, we just need to fill in the blanks.

(I'm tempted to say let's wait til we have a new toolchain system
defined because it'll doubtless work better with the add-on system and
then people won't have to rewrite their add-on tools, but if we wait
it could be a long time.)

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