Hi there,

On 24.08.2014 21:02, anatoly techtonik wrote:
On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 9:09 PM, Gary Oberbrunner <ga...@oberbrunner.com> wrote:


Then I'd like to revisit Mercurial workflow, because we need to clarify how to
rebase pull requests.
I would really like to understand why we need a "rebase" for pull requests in the first place.

I see these two features - stubprocess.py and __slots__  as branches
(ideally all feature should be optional, so that you can turn off them, for
example for porting code to Lua).
Lua, what? Where does that suddenly come from? I don't see any porting activities to other languages on the roadmap, and I don't remember any discussions about it either. So why should we give our current development a direction based on imaginary features?


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